
The total is 2,633 as I understand it. This does not include the nurses who are coming back from long term disabilities or extended maternity leave.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by bcnursesfightmandates.ca

Same number I get from the totals you listed, not including other healthcare workers:

Fraser health terminated 202

Interior Health=936+269

Island Health=487+137

Vancouver Coastal=215

Northern Health=309+52

Providence Health=26

Total = 2633

Thank you for these.

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Thank you for these.

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Please take a look at interior health. They lost 2517 workers. No wonder Kelowna is in such dire straits!

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So far from the two FOI posts the total is 936+269 = 1205 nurses. Does this mean that we have 2517-1205 = 1312 other healthcare professionals that were fired? Or are their more FOI releases coming regarding nurses?

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